
每日普通話 Daily Mandarin Chinese – The early God of Kitchen – www.e-Putonghua.com

Learn Putonghua – The early God of Kitchen came from people's natural worship for fire. Before the Qin Dynasty, kitchen sacrifice had already become one of the “Seven Sacrifices” of national sacrifice ceremonies. – www.e-Putonghua.com
灶神起源于人民对火的崇拜,在秦朝时期,祭灶就已成为国家祀典的“七祀”之一了。 (Zào shén qǐ yuán yú rén mín duì huǒ de chónɡ bài, zài qín cháo shí qī, jì zào jiù yǐ chénɡ wéi ɡuó jiā sì diǎn de “qī sì” zhī yī le. )

